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1. The American Drivel Review - Autumn 2005

​'idiot seed'

​​2. Anthology - Volume X Issues #4 and #6, Volume XI Winter Issue (2003 Contest Winners Issue)


'the myth of satan'

'ode to the collection agency representative that called my house'

'the soldier's poem'

'wilderness training session'

'the guerilla clock'


3. Arsenic Lobster - 2008 Anthology - 2010 Anthology

'in defense we carry potions'

​'the Resurrection of Mr. Peter Isaac Schwartz'


​4. Art Mag - 28


5. asheville poetry review - vol. 12, no. 1, 2005 issue 15



6. Ballard Street Poetry Journal



​7. Barbaric Yawp - Volume 8 #2 and #3, Volume 9 #2 (interview)

​'alphabet soul'

'attack of the lizards'

'the frankenstein manifesto'


​8. The Binnacle - Fall 2007



​9. Birmingham Arts Journal - Volume 5 ~ Issue 1

​'core study: notes on an apple'


​10. Blatt - Issue 2 Volume 1



​11. The Blotter Magazine - December 2007

​'A.R.H. (automatic radio heart)'


​12. The Brobdingnagian Times - Summer 2004

​'more than one less'


​13. Cause & Effect - Six - April 2008

​'3 times'


​14. Caveat Lector - Winter 2007


'the process of nothing'


15. Ceremony - Summer 2006 Issue #4


​16. The Chaffey Review - Volume III Winter 2010 '

​'my girl'

17. Clwnwr - 07 a - 46

​'the swimmer's manual'

'of little wars'


18. Color Wheel - Summer / Autumn 2005, Spring / Summer 2006

​'play curtains'

'tuxedo land'

'the process of nothing'

'freedom A.M.'


19. Curbside Review - Volume 4 Issue #3, Volume 6 Issue #5


'the nowhere glow'


20. Current Accounts - 22 Summer 2006

​'ghost jargon'


21. The delinquent - Issue 3, Issue 4




22. Dogzplot - 2008



23. The Eclectic Muse - Volume 11, Christmas 2005; Volume 13, Christmas 2007

​'the life and death of a style'

'the donkey method'

'tin eureka'


24. epicenter - Issue #8

​'beggar's salad'


25. ESC - vol. 11 no. 2

​'what wasn't (ode to an atheist)'


26. Existere - Volume 28, Issue 2

​'living trenches'


27. 'eye' - Issue #2

​'czar: the roshimon experiment'


28. Forge - Volume 2, Issue 1

​'the half life'



29. Forklift, Ohio - #16, Winter 2007



30. freefall - Fall 2004, Fall 2005, Summer 2008

​'variation on a gypsy theme'

'earth symbols w/ wrinkles'



31. Gargoyle - Issue 55

​'Naked Woman / Naked Man'


32. Illumen - Spring 2009

​'the nowhere glow'


33. inch - Winter 2007, Issue 6

​'the role of dawn'


34. Inscape - 2009 Volume XXXIV

​'the 4 things i'd do'


35. Jones Av. - XI/2 - XIV/1

​'two-sided morning'




36. Knock - Issue #9 - The gestation Issue

​'A.R.H. (automatic radio heart)'


37. Lullaby Hearse - Issue #6

​'confetti times'


38. Medicinal Purposes - 10th Anniversery Issue

​'goodbye valentine'


39. Neon - Issue 12

​'the longest life'

'little december'

'one formula (and another)'


40. Noo - Five, Aug-Oct 06, Ten

​'what would prove to be a long and cold december'

'the last medicine'


41. Orange Alert AWP Chapbook Collective 2009

​'the theory of nights'


42. the ottawa arts review

​'exit signs'


43. Pank, Issue 4

​'anonymous confessions (1-24)'


44. Pear Noir! - Number One January 2009



45. Pennine Ink - Issue 29 2008

​'son of water'


46. the penwood review - volume 9, number 1 - Spring 2009

​'two-sided morning'

'the mine'

'second state'


47. Poetalk - Autumn 2003, Spring 2004, Winter/Spring 2005, Summer/Fall 2005, Winter/Spring 2006


'the interlude'





48. Porcupine - Volume 8, Issue #1


'the amputee'

'bird call'


49. Poultry Broadside - Issue #6 Feb. 2006

​'what was there'


50. Prakalpana - 20

​'(diary) experiment'


51. Pudding Magazine - 52

​'in order of whom'


52. The Quiet Feather - issue #6

​'while hunting the perfect verb on the first rainy day of what would prove to be a long and cold december'


53. Read This - Volume 3, Issue 2, Fall 2008 - Volume 4, Issue 1, Winter/Spring 2009

​'the living diary'

'of little wars'


54. Reality Complex - Issue 2, Summer 2007

​'the human point'

'diary of the dead: notes on becoming a suitcase'

'jerusalem (revisited)'


55. Red Owl - XVIII

​'shower of reversal'


56. "remark." - October 2005, January 2006, April 2006, May 2007, July 2007


'open challenge'

'ghost jargon'

'the gift of slow'

'fuel the jinx'

'dangers of moonlight'

'the human point'


57. Sein und Werden - Volume 1, Number 1; Volume 2, Number 2 (Autumn 2007)




58. Shemom - #23, #24, #26

​'will power'

'ocean's door'



59. The Silt Reader - #7, #8

​'fruit mythology'

'vegetable mythology'


'the confidence game'


60. SLAB - Issue 5

​'please don't name that reservoir'


61. SpeedPoets - Volumne 4.6, 4.7, 6.8, 7.6

​'amoeba dreams'

'nobody's blues'

'bird call'




62. Stray Dog - #5

​'the lotus stone'


63. Straylight - Spring 2008 V2.1

​'ode to invisibility'


64. Taj Mahal Review - December, 2005

​'capsules and curses'


65. Taivipalvanseisaus - Special #8

​'the story of if'

'open challenge'

'variation on a gypsy theme'


66. Tiger's Eye - Issue 15, Mid-Spring 08 - Issue 16, Mid-Autumn 08

​'a bachelor's death'

​'missing letter'


67. VOX - April 2006

​'the process of nothing'


68. Writer's Bloc - 2007

​'jerusalem (revisited)'


69. Writers' Journal - Volume 25, #4

​'the interlude'


70. Yippee Magazine - no. 001

​'the four things I'd do'


71. Zeek - Spring / Summer 2006

​'the return of isaac'


72. Zillah - Winter 2004; Summer 2005


'bludegeons and pantomimes'


'to magic with'


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