- the poetry of peter schwartz
Old Men, Girls, and Monsters
​​​ ACHILLES CHAPBOOK SERIES, copyright 2009
the suffering which permeates this meticulously constructed collection of remembrances and transformations is truly haunting. he creates an unearthly world where one is embraced by the experience of wounding: if it hurts you,
be glad that you can still feel.
amnesia diary
barnwood press, copyright 2009
free art and short poems, just click.
the nowhere glow
​​​Trainwreck Press, copyright 2008
first collection, see samples at: http://www.ditchpoetry.com/peterschwartz.htm
Pudding House Press, copyright, 2010
unsure of the fate of this book, but if you click the link you can read the first half at The Nervous Breakdown for free.
​In Praise of All Paranoias
​ PANGUR BAN PARTY, copyright 2011
free, creepy poetry, just click.